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Small RNAs (former CRPP/KFSP)

Polymenidou Group

Genome-wide identification of small RNA alterations triggered by induced aggregation of TDP-43 and FUS in the mouse nervous system

The Polymenidou lab is building new and inducible disease models to study the early and late events in TDP-43 and FUS proteinopathies. This class of diseases is characterized by broad RNA misregula-tion due to the functional interruption of TDP-43 and FUS, two multifunctional RNA-binding proteins.

After having identified a potential role of FUS in transporting its target RNAs to the synapses and in regulating their local translation, the Polymenidou group plans to continue their research by studying the local translation status of FUS synaptic targets in response to neuronal stimulus in detail. This analysis will determine possible early synaptic defects resulting from the misregulation of FUS in ALS.

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