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Small RNAs (former CRPP/KFSP)

Stoffel Group

Metabolism & Metabolic Diseases

The Stoffel group will continue their research on the biological function of smallRNAs in epithelial cancers. Moreover they will translate the findings and technologies from the CRPP to further studies of transcriptional and microRNA regulatory networks and their interactions in pancreatic b-cells, liver, fat and hypothalamus.

More specifically, the Stoffel group will study the biological effects that result from overexpression and silencing of specific miRNAs in vivo. This will allow to identify their targets and to study the resulting phenotypes. The elucidation of factors that affect miRNA expression, miRNA targets, and analysis of signaling pathways that affect miRNA function will be essential for a thorough understanding of these regulatory RNAs in health and disease.

Once these processes have been elucidated, a rational approach can be taken to design novel therapeutic strategies that aim to correct hereditary and acquired diseases.

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